The SLCMA Community Nursery has a wide range of native plant species available for purchase by the public. The majority of plants come as tubestock and all are sun-hardened with a good root system, ready for planting. Seeds are sourced locally and grown by our Nursery Officer and volunteers, in the nursery.

How to purchase plants!
The SLCMA Community Nursery is open to the public by appointment only or you can pre-order through the Plant Order Form (below) and arrange pick up. We also hold native plant sales throughout the year, which are advertised to our members, monthly newsletter and facebook page.
Below is a list of plant species we propagate in our nursery at various times throughout the year. Some species are more readily available depending on our ability to source seed for propagation.
The list is sorted by habit.
Groundcover or vine | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Aristolochia acuminata | Native Dutchman’s pipe | 5 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Canavalia rosea | Coastal jack bean | 0.5 | Coastal | |
Carpobrotus glaucescens | Pigface | 0.3 | Coastal | |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | Yellow buttons | 0.4 | Coastal, woodland | Butterfly |
Cissus oblonga | Native grape | to 10 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Elaeagnis triflora | Millaa millaa vine | 2 to 4 | Rainforest, riparian, woodland | |
Eremophila debilis | Winter apple | to 0.1 | Woodland | |
Eustrephus latifolius | Wombat berry | 1 to 2 | Rainforest, riparian, woodland | Bird |
Freycinetia scandens | Climbing pandan | 1 to 5 | Rainforest | |
Geitonoplesium cymosum | Scrambling lily | to 8 | Rainforest | Bird |
Gymnanthera oblonga | Native rubber vine | to 3 | Coastal | Bird, butterfly |
Hibbertia scandens | Snake vine | to 5 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Hoya australis | Common hoya | to 3 | Rainforest, riparian | Butterfly |
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis | Goats foot morning glory | 0.1 to 0.2 | Coastal | |
Jasminum didymum | Coastal jasmine | 2 | Woodland | |
Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense | Native jasmine | 1 to 6 | Coastal, woodland | |
Melodinus australis | Bellbird vine | to 3 | Rainforest | Bird |
Melodorum leichhardtii | Zig-zag Vine | to 6 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Mucana gigantea | Burny bean | to 6 | Coastal, rainforest | |
Pandorea jasminoides | Bower of beauty | 3 to 5 | Rainforest | Bird |
Sesuvium portulacastrum | Sea purslane | 0.3 | Coastal | Bee |
Stephania japonica | Snake vine | 0 | Coastal, rainforest | Bird |
Vigna marina | Dune bean | 0 | Coastal | |
Viola perreniformis | Native violet | 0.1 | Riparian, woodland | |
Vitex rotundifolia | Beach vitex | 0.5 to 1 | Coastal | |
Wollastonia biflora | Beach sunflower | to 0.3 | Coastal | |
Herb | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. tuberosus | Native rosella | 0.5 | Woodland | |
Apowollastonia spilanthoides | Native wedelia | 0.4 | Coastal, woodland | Bee, butterfly |
Artanema fimbriatum | Native snapdragon | 0.3 to 0.6 | Woodland | |
Bacopa monnieri | Brahmi | 0.05 | Riparian, woodland | |
Coleus diversus | Native coleus | to 1 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Coleus eungellaensis | Eungella coleus | 0.5 | Woodland, rainforest | Bee |
Commelina cyanea | Blue commelina | 0.2 | Woodland | |
Crotalaria mitchellii | Yellow rattlepod | 1 | Coastal, woodland | |
Crotalaria montana | Rattlepod | 1 | Coastal, woodland | |
Helichrysum lanuginosum | White everlasting | to 0.45 | Woodland | |
Indigofera linifolia | Narrow leaved indigo | to 0.4 | Coastal, woodland | |
Indigofera pratensis | Forest Indigo | 0.3 to 0.6 | Coastal, woodland | |
Lobelia membranacea | Native lobelia | 0.1 | Riparian | |
Mentha diemenica | Slender mint | 0.2 | Riparian | |
Murdannia graminea | Grass lily | 0.1 to 0.6 | Woodland | |
Orthosiphon aristatus | Cats whiskers | 1.5 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Peperomia blanda | Peperomia | to 0.3 | Rainforest | |
Persicaria orientalis | Prince’s feathers | to 0.3 | Riparian, woodland | |
Ranunculus lappaceus | Native buttercup | to 0.5 | Woodland | |
Xerochrysum bracteatum | Golden everlasting | 0.5 | Coastal, woodland | Butterfly |
Orchid | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Geodorum densiflorum | Pink nodding orchid | to 0.3 | Rainforest, woodland | |
Phaius australis | Native swamp orchid | to 0.45 | Wetland | |
Lily or grass | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Alpinia caerulea | Native ginger | 1 to 2 | Rainforest | Bird |
Cheilocostus potierae | Australia crepe ginger | 2 | Rainforest | |
Chrysopogon filipes | Vetiver grass | 1 | Riparian | Bird |
Cordyline manners-suttoniae | Giant palm lilly | 5 | Rainforest | |
Cordyline murchisoniae | Murchison’s palm lily | 6 | Rainforest | |
Cordyline petiolaris | Palm lily | 5 | Rainforest | |
Crinum pedunculatum | Crinum lily | 1.5 | Coastal | |
Cymbopogon refractus | Barb wire grass | 1 | Coastal, woodland | |
Dianella caerulea | Paroo lily | 0.5 | Coastal, woodland | |
Eragrostis interrupta | Coastal love grass | to 1.5 | Coastal | |
Heteropogon contortus | Black spear grass | to 1.5 | Woodland | |
Juncus usitatus | Common rush | to 1.2 | Riparian | |
Lomandra hystrix | River reed | 1 | Riparian | Butterfly |
Lomandra longifolia | Mat rush | 1 | Riparian, woodland | Butterfly |
Lomandra multiflora subsp. multiflora | Many flowered mat rush | 0.25 to 0.9 | Woodland | |
Oplismenus compositus | Running mountain grass | 0.2 to 0.8 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Oplismenus undulatifolius | Basketgrass | 0.3 | Coastal | |
Themeda triandra | Kangaroo grass | 1.5 | Woodland | |
Sedge | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Carex appressa | Tall sedge | to 1 | Wetland | |
Cyperus alopecuroides | Foxtail flat sedge | 1.5 | Wetland | |
Cyperus differmis | Dirty Dora | 0.5 | Wetland | |
Cyperus gracilis | Slender flat sedge | 0.1 to 0.3 | Woodland | |
Cyperus javanicus | Java sedge | 1.2 | Wetland | |
Cyperus polystachyus | Bunchy sedge | 0.6 | Wetland | |
Cyperus sp. Eungella | Eungella rainforest sedge | 0.6 | Wetland | |
Cyperus pedunculatus | Pineapple sedge | 0.15 | Wetland | |
Eleocharis acuta | River club rush | 0.4 | Wetland | |
Fimbristylis tetragona | Brown hatpins | to 0.3 | Wetland | |
Gahnia aspera | Saw sedge | to 1 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Lepironia articulata | Grey sedge | 1.5 to 2.5 | Wetland | |
Machaerina articulata | Jointed twigrush | 1 to 2.5 | Wetland | |
Philydrum lanuginosum | Frogsmouth | to 1 | Wetland | |
Schoenoplectus mucronatus | Triangle bullrush | 1 | Wetland | |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | River clubrush | 1 to 2 | Wetland | |
Scleria brownii | Triangle club rush | 0.3 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Palm | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Archontophoenix alexandrae | Alexandra palm | 30 | Riparian, woodland | |
Livistona decora | Cabbage tree palm | to 15 | Coastal, rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Normanbya normanbyi | Black palm | 20 | Rainforest | |
Pandanus sp. | Freshwater pandanus | 8 | Coastal, riparian | |
Pandanus spiralis | Pandanus | 10 | Coastal, riparian | |
Pandanus tectorius | Coastal Screw palm | 5 to 6 | Coastal | |
Ptychosperma elegans | Solitary palm | 10 | Rainforest | |
Shrub | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Acacia holosericea | Silver wattle | 3 | Woodland | Butterfly |
Acacia juncifolia | Rush-leaved wattle | to 2 | Woodland | Bee |
Acacia simsii | Sim’s wattle | 1 to 3 | Coastal, woodland | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Acronychia laevis | Hard aspen | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Acrotriche aggregata | Tall groundberry | 1 to 6 | Woodland | |
Aglaia brownii | Brown aglaia | 2 to 5 | Rainforest | |
Alchornia ilicifolia | Native holly | to 6m | Rainforest | |
Alyxia ruscifolia | Chain fruit | 2 to3 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Antidesma parvifolium | Black currant | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | |
Argusia argentea | Octopus bush | 5 | Coastal | |
Atalaya rigida | Veiny whitewood | 1 to 6 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Austromyrtus dulcis | Midgen berry | 0.5 | Coastal, woodland | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Banksia robur | Swamp banksia | to 2.5 | Coastal, woodland | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Breynia oblongifolia | Coffee bush | 2 to 4 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Bursaria incana | Prickly pine | 3 to 7 | Woodland | |
Caesalpinia bonduc | Nicker nut | to 6 | Coastal | |
Capparis lucida | Coast caper | 3 to 4 | Coastal | |
Carissa ovata | Currant bush | 2 m | Woodland | Butterfly |
Clerodendrum inerme | Scrambling lolly bush | 1 to 4 | Coastal | Butterfly |
Colubrina asiatica | Beach berry bush, latherleaf | 1 to 6 | Coastal, woodland | |
Cordyline cannifolia | Palm lily | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | |
Crotalaria medicaginea | Trefoil rattlepod | 0.8 | Coastal, woodland | |
Dodonaea triquerta | Hopbush | 1 to 6 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. viscosa | Sticky hopbush | 1 to 3 | Coastal | |
Drypetes deplenchei | Yellow tulipwood | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | |
Ficus congesta | Red leaved fig | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Flueggea virosa | White currant | 1 to 4 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Glycosmis trifoliata | Orange berry | 1 to 3 | Coastal, woodland | |
Graptophyllum ilicifolium | Mt Blackwood holly | 3 to 5 | Rainforest, riparian, woodland | Bird, butterfly |
Hibiscus heterophyllus subsp. heterophyllus | Native hibiscus | 2 | Riparian, woodland | |
Mackinlaya macrosciadia | Mackinlaya, blue umbrella | 2 | Rainforest | |
Melaleuca pachyphylla | Wallum bottlebrush | to 2 | Coastal | |
Melaleuca paludicola | Eungella bottlebrush | to 4 | Riparian, woodland | |
Melastoma malabathricum subsp. malabathricum | Blue tongue, lasiandra | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | Bird |
Micromelium minutum | Lime berry | 3 to 4 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Murraya ovatifoliolata | Native mock orange | to 4 | Rainforest | Bee |
Myoporum accuminatum | Mangrove boobialla | 2 to 8 | Woodland, rainforest | Bird |
Pavetta australiensis | Pavetta | 2 to 4 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Petalostigma banksii | Quinine bush | 2 to 4 | Woodland | |
Phalaria octandra | White daphne | 2 | Rainforest | |
Pipturus argenteus | Native mulberry | 5 | Riparian, woodland | Bird, butterfly |
Pittosporum revolutum | Brisbane laurel | 3 | Woodland | Bird |
Plumbago zeylanica | Native plumbago | to 1 | Woodland | |
Rubus probus | Native raspberry | to 3 | Rainforest | |
Scaevola taccada | Sea lettuce | 2 to 3 | Coastal | |
Sophora tomentosa | Silver bush, silver bean | 3 | Coastal | |
Stenocarpus angustifolius | Doreen | 4 to 5 | Woodland | |
Trema tomentosa | Poison peach | to 4 | Rainforest | |
Vitex trifolia | Common blue vitex | 1 to 4 | Coastal | |
Wikstroemia indica | Tie bush | 1 to 2 | Coastal | |
Small tree | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Acacia aulacocarpa | Golden flowered salwood | 2 to 8 | Coastal | Bird, butterfly |
Acacia cincinnata | Daintree wattle | 10 to 25 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Acacia disparrima | Hickory wattle | 15 | Woodland | |
Acacia flavescens | Yellow wattle | 4 to 15 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Acacia leptocarpa | North Coast wattle | 6 to 10 | Woodland | |
Acacia leptostachya | Townsville wattle | 2 to 5 | Woodland | |
Acacia oraria | Coastal wattle | 3 to 5 | Coastal, woodland | |
Acacia rhodoxylon | Rosewood | to 16 | Woodland | |
Acmenosperma claviflorum | Grey satinash | 3 to 15 | Riparian | |
Alectryon connatus | Alectryon | 5 | Coastal | |
Alectryon tomentosus | Hairy alectryon | 15 | Riparian | Bird |
Allocasuarina littoralis | Black she-oak | 5 to 15 | Coastal, woodland | Bird |
Alphitonia excelsa | Red ash | 4 to 15 | Woodland, rainforest | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Archidendron grandiflorum | Pink laceflower | 3 to 10 | Rainforest | |
Arytera divaricata | Rose tamarind, coogera | 5 to 8 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Atractocarpus fitzalanii | Native gardenia, brown gardenia | 6 | Coastal, rainforest | Bee |
Backhousia citriodora | Lemon myrtle | to 8 | Rainforest | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Backhousia myrtifolia | Cinnamon myrtle | to 7 | Rainforest | Bee |
Banksia integrifolia | Coast banksia | 5 to 20 | Coastal, woodland | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Brachychiton bidwilli | Little kurrajong | 4 | Rainforest | |
Brachychiton compactus | Whitsunday bottletree | 4 to 15 | Woodland | |
Cassia sp. (Paluma Range) | Golden showers | 4 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Casuarina equisetifolia | Coastal she-oak | 6 to 12 | Coastal | |
Chionanthus ramiflora | Native olive | 3 to 8 | Coastal | Bird |
Clerodendrum floribundum | Lollybush | 2 to 10 | Coastal | Bird |
Cordia dichotoma | Glue berry | 4 to 8 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Cordia subcordata | Sea trumpet | 5 to 10 | Coastal, rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Cryptocarya bidwillii | Yellow laurel | 8 to 10 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Cryptocarya triplinervis | Brown laurel | 5 to 10 | Rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Cupaniopsis anacardioides | Tuckeroo | 5 to 8 | Coastal | Bird, butterfly |
Cycas media | Zamia palm | 1 to 3 | Woodland | Butterfly |
Denhamia disperma | Orange boxwood | 5 to 10 | Rainforest | |
Diospyros australis | Black plum | 4 to 10 | Rainforest | |
Diospyros geminata | Scaly ebony | 12 | Rainforest | Bird |
Diploglottis obovata | Wild tamarind | 8 | Rainforest, riparian | |
Erythrina vespertilio | Bats wing coral tree | 6 to 12 | Coastal, woodland | Bird |
Ficus fraseri | White sandpaper fig | 6 to 15 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Ficus opposita | Sandpaper fig | 3 to 8 | Rainforest, riparian, woodland | Bird, butterfly |
Ficus platypoda | Rock fig | 10 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Geijera salicifolia | Brush wilga | 1 to 6 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Glochidion apodogynum | Buttonwood | 1 to 4 | Woodland, rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Glochidion ferdinandi | Buttonwood, cheese tree | 6 to 15 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Glochidion lobocarpum | Cheese tree | 6 to 15 | Coastal, rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Glochidion sumatranum | Sumatran buttonwood | 6 to 15 | Rainforest, riparian, woodland | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Gossia bidwillii | Python tree | 6 to 15 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Grevillea baileyana | White oak | 6 to 20 | Coastal, rainforest | |
Grevillea banksii | Red silky oak | 4 to 10 | Coastal, woodland | Bird |
Hakea actites | Wallum hakea | 5 | Coastal, woodland | |
Harpullia hillii | Blunt leaved tulip | 6 to 15 | Coastal, rainforest | Bird |
Harpullia pendula | Tulipwood | 8 to 15 | Rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Hibiscus tiliaceus | Cottonwood | 4 to 10 | Coastal | Butterfly |
Homalanthus populifolius | Bleeding heart | 8 | Rainforest | |
Hymenosporum flavum | Native frangipani | 8 | Woodland, rainforest | Bird |
Lagerstroemia archeriana | Native crepe myrtle | 5 to 7 | Riparian | |
Larsenaikia jardenei | Native gardenia | 1 to 3 | Rainforest | |
Leea novoguineensis | Bandicoot berry | 1 to 3 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Lysiphyllum hookeri | Queensland ebony, white bauhinia | 1 to 6 | Coastal, woodland | |
Macaranga involucrata | Brown macaranga | 8 to 15 | Rainforest, riparian | |
Macaranga tanarius | Macaranga | 4 to 6 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Mallotus mollisimus | Green kamala, woolly kamala | to 10 | Rainforest | |
Mallotus philippensis | Red kamala | 10 | Rainforest | |
Meiogyne bidwillii | Annona | 5 | Rainforest | |
Meiogyne heteropetala | Orange annona | 5 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Melaleuca leucadendra | Weeping paperbark | 10 to 20 | Coastal, rainforest, riparian | Butterfly |
Melaleuca polandii | Gold tipped bottlebrush | 4 to7 | Woodland | Butterfly |
Melaleuca viminalis | Weeping bottlebrush | 4 to 10 | Riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Melaleuca viridiflora | Broad leaved tea bark | 3 to 10 | Woodland | Bird |
Melicope rubra | Little euodia | to 6 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Morinda citrifolia | Stinking cheesefruit | 2 to 5 | Coastal | |
Myristica insipida | Native nutmeg | 8 to 12 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Myrsine variabilis | Muttonwood | 6 to12 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Neolitsea brassii | Grey bolly gum | 8 to 15 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Neolitsea dealbata | White bolly gum | to 12 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Ochrosia elliptica | Bloodhorn | 5 to 9 | Coastal | |
Pararchidendron pruinosum | Snow wood | 5 to 10 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Petalostigma pubescens | Hairy quinine tree | to 6 | Coastal, woodland | |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Gumbi gumbi | 6 | Woodland | |
Pittosporum ferrugineum | Rusty pittosporum | 6 | Coastal, woodland | Bird |
Pittosporum venulosum | Velvet pittosporum | to 8 | Rainforest | Bird |
Planchonia careya | Cocky apple | 4 to 10 | Woodland | Butterfly |
Premna serratifolia | Creek premna | 2 to 4 | Coastal | |
Scolopia braunii | Flintwood | 6 to 15 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Sersalisia sericea | Mongo | 3 to 10 | Rainforest, riparian | |
Stericulia quadrifida | Peanut tree | 5 to 10 | Rainforest, riparian | Bird |
Syzygium australe | Creek cherry | 5 | Riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Tabernaemontana orientalis | Eastern gondola bush | 1 to 3 | Rainforest | |
Terminalia muelleri | Coastal damson | 9 | Coastal, rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Thespesia populneoides | Tulip tree | 6 | Coastal, riparian | |
Timonius timon | Swizel bush | 3 to 8 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Xanthorrhoea sp. | Grasstree | 2 to 5 | Coastal, woodland | Bird, butterfly |
Medium tree | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red bead tree | |||
Albizia procera | Forest siris | >12 | Woodland | |
Alphitonia petriei | White ash, pink ash | 15 | Riparian | Bee, bird, butterfly |
Aphananthe philippinensis | Native elm, axehandle wood | 20 to 30 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Archidendron hendersonii | White laceflower | 15 | Rainforest | |
Brachychiton acerifolius | Flame tree | 10 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Carallia brachiata | Freshwater mangrove | 5 to 10 | Coastal, rainforest | Butterfly |
Commersonia bartramia | Brown kurrajong | 6 to 12 | Riparian | |
Corymbia clarksoniana | Clarkson’s bloodwood | to 20 | Coastal, woodland | |
Dysoxylum mollissimum subsp. molle | Red bean | 12 to 15 | Rainforest | |
Ficus racemosa | Cluster fig | 8 to 20 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Ganophyllum falcatum | Scaly ash | 10 to 25 | Coastal, woodland | Bird |
Jagera pseudorhus | Foambark | 6 to 10 | Coastal, rainforest | |
Litsea leefeana | Brown bollywood | to 15 | Coastal, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Lophostemon confertus | Brush box | 6 to 15 | Woodland | Koala |
Lophostemon grandiflorus | North swamp mahogany | 10 to 15 | Riparian, woodland | |
Lophostemon suaveolons | Messmate | 6 to 15 | Riparian, woodland | Bird |
Melaleuca dealbata | Blue leaf paperbark | 5 to 12 | Woodland, rainforest | |
Melia azederach | White cedar | 6 to 15 | Rainforest | Bird |
Melicope elleryana | Euodia | 15 to 20 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Millettia pinnata | Pongamia | 15 | Rainforest, riparian | Butterfly |
Mimusops elengi | Red coondoo | 5 to 12 | Coastal, rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Neisosperma kilneri | Ornate fruited neisosperma | to 20 | Rainforest, riparian | |
Pleiogynium timorense | Burdekin plum | 8 to 15 | Coastal | |
Polyalthia nitidissima | Canary wood | 6 to 15 | Rainforest | |
Polycias elegens | Celery wood | to 10 | Rainforest | Bird |
Syzygium luehmanii | Luehmans lilly pilly | 10 to 15 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Tall tree | ||||
Botanical name | Common name | Height (m) | Habitat | Attracts |
Alstonia scholaris | Milky pine | 30 | Riparian | |
Argyrodendron polyandrum | Brown tulip oak | 30 | Riparian | |
Beilschmiedia obtusifolia | Blush walnut | 20 to 50 | Woodland, rainforest | Butterfly |
Calophyllum inophyllum | Beach nut, beauty leaf | 20 | Coastal | |
Castanospermum australe | Black bean tree | 8 to 20 | Coastal, rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Casuarina cunninghamiana | River she-oak | 20 | Riparian | Bird |
Corymbia citriodora | Lemon scented gum | to 30 | Woodland | Koala |
Corymbia intermedia | Pink bloodwood | 30 | Woodland | Koala |
Corymbia tessallaris | Moreton Bay ash | to 35 | Woodland | Koala |
Cryptocarya hypospodia | Purple laurel, northern laurel | 20 to 30 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum | Ivory mahogany | 35 | Rainforest, riparian | Bird |
Elaeocarpus grandis | Blue quandong | 10 to 25 | Rainforest | |
Eucalyptus crebra | Narrow leaved ironbark | 35 | Woodland | Koala |
Eucalyptus drepanophylla | Iron bark | to 30 | Woodland | Bird, butterfly |
Eucalyptus exserta | Queensland peppermint | to 25 | Woodland | Bee, koala |
Eucalyptus platyphylla | Poplar gum | to 20 | Woodland | Bird |
Eucalyptus robusta | Swamp mahogany | 30 | Coastal, woodland | Koala |
Eucalyptus tereticornis | Blue gum | 35 | Woodland | Koala |
Euroschinus falcatus | Ribbonwood | to 40 | Rainforest | |
Falcataria toona | Mackay cedar | 20 o 30 | Rainforest | |
Ficus virens | Banyan fig | 15 to 30 | Rainforest | Bird, butterfly |
Flindersia schottiana | Silver ash | 25 to 40 | Rainforest | Butterfly |
Gmelina leichhardtii | White beech | 15 to 30 | Coastal, rainforest | |
Melaleuca fluviatilis | Paperbark tea tree | to 30 | Riparian | |
Melaleuca nervosa | Pendulous Paperbark | 4 to 10 | Woodland | Butterfly |
Melaleuca quinquenervia | Paper-barked tea-tree | 15 to 20 | Riparian, woodland | Koala |
Nauclea orientalis | Leichhardt tree | 30 | Rainforest | |
Podocarpus elatus | Brown pine | to 40 | Rainforest | |
Stenocarpus sinuatus | Wheel of fire | 15 | Rainforest | Bird |
Terminalia sericocarpa | Damson | 15 to 20 | Rainforest, riparian | Bird, butterfly |
Toona ciliata | Red cedar | 10 to 30 | Rainforest | |
Trema orientalis | Peach cedar | to 20 | Rainforest |