Fox, what fox?

Funded by: Queensland Government, Community Sustainability Action Grants (24 June 2022 to 31 January 2024)
Project outline: This project will conduct fauna monitoring and engage a specialised contractor to conduct surveys to determine the presence and extent of foxes within three parks; Mt Hector Conservation Park, Westhill National Park and Cape Palmerston National Park; and conduct community education events to raise awareness of the impacts of foxes on our native fauna and Parks.
Big bigger best .. SLCMA Nursery expansion take 2

Funded by: Community Bank Sarina (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024)
Project outline: This project is part of a staged approach to expand our community plant nursery with the aim to increase our capacity for volunteer engagement, grow more native tubestock and provide a designated area to sell native plants, directly to the community. This project, will support the installation of a new security fence around the new area of the nursery.
SLCMA Community Nursery Expansion

Funded by: Federal Government, Stronger Communities Programme (1 June 2023 to 31 December 2023)
Project outline: Our community nursery is an important part of our organisation and, how we support our local community and environment including providing volunteer opportunities and social inclusion and, propagating native plants for local rehabilitation projects and local gardens. This project allows us to increase our capacity to engage with volunteers and grow more native plants, so we can better support our community. This is part of a staged approach to expand our nursery and supports the initial site preparation works to begin the expansion.
Sarina Landcare Support Program

Funded by: Mackay Regional Council (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, ongoing)
Project outline: The Sarina Landcare Support Program provides integral support for SLCMA to deliver key landcare activities within the Mackay region. The delivery of these activities enables the engagement of the wider community and builds support for landcare programs, while also providing support to stakeholders involved in community natural resource management.
Enhancing the Sarina Inlet Trail – stage 2

Funded by: The Aurizon Community Giving Fund (June 2023 to June 2024)
Project Outline: The project will enhance the biodiversity and resilience of native vegetation and habitat along the Sarina Inlet Trail. The Sarina Inlet trail is a 400m walking trail that meanders along the mangrove edge linking Sarina Beach to Johnsons Beach. It is well regarded and utilised by locals and visitors to the area.
Reef Assist Program 2.0 – Mackay Whitsunday Streambank Stewardship Program

Funded by: Queensland Government’s Reef Assist Program through Reef Catchments (Mackay Whitsunday Isaac) Limited. (6 February 2023 – 31 October 2024)
Project Outline: The project’s primary focus is to improve water quality in the Mackay Whitsunday and Isaac (MWI) region by reducing sediment loss to the Reef. Reef Catchments Limited (RCL), in partnership with Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc., Pioneer Catchment Landcare Inc. and Sarina Landcare Catchment Management Association Inc., local businesses and the Indigenous community will undertake a range of minor and major land management activities to halt sediment runoff through improving and enhancing natural riparian habitat condition. The project will generate employment opportunities for partner organisations and local contractors. The three Landcare groups will be supported to directly employ and train 5.05 FTE staff to assist targeted landholders in various conservation and land management activities. RCL will support 1 FTE and nine local businesses to employ 1.8 FTEs to undertake major land management activities across the MWI region.
Sarina Community Native Gardens

Inkind support from Mackay Regional Council (2009 – Ongoing)
The Sarina Community Native Garden was established to demonstrate the use and benefits of native plants with inspiration from the SLCMA staff & volunteers, approval from Council, advice & support from other groups including Society for Growing Australian Plants, Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens, Mackay Regional Council and Conservation Volunteers Australia.
The Sarina Community Native Gardens were officially opened in 2013 by Costa Georgiadis and is managed by SLCMA. SLCMA facilitates a weekly get together for the Friends of the Gardens volunteers, who along with SLCMA staff undertake ongoing improvements and maintenance of the gardens. Thank you to Mackay Regional Council who continue to mow the area.
Land For Wildlife Program

Funded by: Mackay Regional Council (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, ongoing)
Land for Wildlife is a voluntary program that encourages and assist landholders to provide habitat for wildlife on their properties. The program is free. Whether you manage a large farm or small bush block, the Land for Wildlife program can offer you advice and assistance.
For more information click here
Coordinated Feral Pig Control Program

Funded by: Landholders, stakeholders (2008 to current, ongoing)
Project outline: SLCMA works with landholders and stakeholders to coordinate the Feral Pig Control Program to reduce the negative impacts of feral pigs to sensitive natural areas including wetlands, mangrove and riparian areas and, important agricultural land (including sugar cane, grazing and horticulture). The main component of the program is the annual aerial feral pig control program which is complimented throughout the year by other control methods.